, with ID number: 
  , in my capacity as Collaborator of the company: 
, with the position of:
, of the vice-presidency/area:
, in the country:
 , I hereby declare that I know and accept the content, scope and responsibilities implied by the Procaps Group Code of Ethics, for which I expressly undertake to comply with and to act in an ethical manner in strict adherence to its requirements..I also declare that I am aware that its adoption and/or infringement are contained within the Internal Work Regulations requirements.
In my capacity as a collaborator, I commit to:
  • Avoid any type of behavior that may imply any violation to the principles, values and integrity guidelines that emerge from the Code of Ethics
  • Express, in a timely manner, my concerns or ethical dilemmas through the channels provided by the Corporation.
  • Not retaliate against any Collaborator or third party for expressing their concerns or reporting any complaint for possible violations to the Code of Ethics.
  • Always cooperate in a transparent and timely manner with the investigations carried out by the Audit and Internal Control Vice Presidency.

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